April 13, 2015 - Birthday Time

Alissa turned 6 today. She had a wonderful Birthday today. Steve ordered some cupcakes decorated with Frozen rings on them to share with her Kindergarten class. We made sure that Alissa ended up with the cupcake that she wanted since she requested a ring of Sven, the reindeer. Alissa's teacher made her the traditional Kindergarten Birthday hat to wear in class all day. She loved it so much that she wore it to her dinner party as well. We took are to Chuck-E-Cheese and invited her cousins Heber and Rose along with her best friend Ariana. We purchased Pizza for everyone and had a Frozen Birthday Cake for dessert. Alissa was very happy.  
Mother and Daugther
 Alissa's Frozen Birthday Cake
 Mother, Daughter, Daddy
 Alissa with her Birthday Stash
 Alissa dancing with Ariana and Chuck-E-Cheese

Day 6 - Washington Vacation - Snoqualmie Falls

These pictures speak for themselves because Snoqualmie Falls is so beautiful. We started at the top of the falls and then hiked down to the bottom. Alissa had a wonderful time. I thought it was cold, but it was bearable and the view made it so worth our trip to the North Bend. There was lots of things to see during our hike and Alissa made sure we spent time with all of it. There is nothing like the excitement of a little child to make you appreciate things you may not otherwise notice. 
Here we are at the top of the falls looking down
Grandma has always called Alissa a monkey for a reason. She loves to climb. While I'm not sure exactly what this tunnel of steel is, Alissa had a great time running in and out of it and climbing up and down. I think she would have stayed here all day if we let her. 
Alissa asked if this was a waterslide as she wanted to go down it. We explained that these tubes were used for the water to travel fast and efficiently in order to generate electricity. 
Here we are at the bottom of the falls