1-17-2010 Alissa is 9 Months Old

Alissa is 9 months old now and she is talking, crawling, and almost walking. She says “ma ma”, “da da”, and “ba ba” for bottle. It’s so cute. She started crawling on January 10, 2010 and we caught it on video. She also loves to walk with mommy holding her hands. She just barely started moving her own feet a few days ago, but has been supporting her own weight for a few weeks now. She is so fun.

Alissa had her 9 month doctor appointment on 1/15/2010. Her weight is now 18.67 lbs which puts her at 47%. Her length is 27.01 inches at 31% and her head circumference is 17.5 inches at 63%. She is growing very well and has remained around the 50th percentile since birth so the doctor is pleased. Infact, the doctor said she is a little ahead of schedule on walking and talking because most babies don’t show interest in either until around 12 months old.

Here is a few pictures of Alissa that were taken in January:

Who's your daddy?

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