April 2012 - Bunnies and Birthdays

April 6, 2012 - Alissa went with mommy, Grandma D. and Grandpa D. to visit the Easter Bunny. We first went to lunch together and then went to Fashion Place Mall to visit the Easter Bunny. Alissa had a wonderful time visiting with the bunny and shopping with Grandma.
April 7, 2012 - In the evening, Alissa and mommy decorated Easter eggs. Alissa had a wonderful time coloring them and then putting Mickey Mouse stickers on them. It was fun to see how much Alissa was involved with the entire process. Last year, mommy did most of the work, but not this year. Our little girl is getting so big and we love her so much.
April 8, 2012 - Alissa woke up Easter morning to find a surprise from the Easter Bunny. She enjoyed looking in her basket and showing us the wonderful things she got. Her favorite prize was a blue water bottle with pictures of  bunnies on it. Alisssa liked her little piggy bank too because she put the $25 worth of coins she found in the Easter eggs at Grandma's house. 
Alissa searching for eggs at Grandma and Grandpa D's house. Each egg had a dollar worth of coins in it and each of the three children were told to find 25 eggs.
Alissa with her cousins Rose and Heber after the successful Easter egg hunt. Each of these cousins are now $25 richer. Can I have a loan? just kidding...
Alissas Easter loot to include an early birthday present from Aunt Liz and Aunt Satoko. Liz gave Alissa some four (4) little Winnie the Pooh figures and some candy. Satoko gave Alissa the cute outfit you see on the right. Alissa also received a Hello Kitty umbrella that she absolutely LOVED. 

April 7, 2012 - Alissa and mommy went to lunch and the Aquarium with some friends from Washington. Mommy met these friends while visiting Aunt Jill in Washington several years ago. Alissa and Ariana really hit it off as they spent a ton of time playing with each other. Here are some pictures of the Aquarium.
Brooke, Ariana, Alissa, and mommy.

Ariana and Alissa loved watching the penquins swimming around in the tank. They were very active today. We also got to watch the penquins being fed, which was the highlight of the day for the girls. We watched the Octopus being fed as well, but were unable to take any pictures of that event. The Octopus was also very active before her feeding, which is unusual since they are nocturnal and tend to be more active at night.
We captured a picture of mommy touching a stingray.
Here are some pictures of Alissa and Ariana playing with each other.
The girls and Will are exhausted after a long day at the Aquarium.

April 13, 2012 - Alissa turned three today. We had a wonderful birthday party for her. She received a new bike from Grandma and Grandpa D. She received a doll with clothes from Grandma and Grandpa S. She received a mini mouse toy from Ian and Gayle B. She received some PJ's from Dave & Renee and tons of clothes and PJ's from mommy, daddy, and grandma and grandpa S. 
Alissa's birthday stash...
Happy Family!

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